Monday, December 04, 2006


I probably read five or six articles on climate change per week. This one in particular, however, really struck me. I'm posting it for all of you to read. First, though, take a look at this map of North America with the projected wheat-growing regions in 2050 compared with now. Jesus.

Map of North America. Image: BBC

Here's the article:


Anonymous said...

Aside from the obvious and terrifying risk of famine, and the side-effects possible if all our grains end up being genetically engineered... I think there is also a financial implication, non? If the US suddenly loses its breadbasket, that's yet another commodity necessary to life as we know it that either becomes imported or, at least, more expensive.

Le Capeur said...
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Le Capeur said...

At long last, the Upper Peninsula will flex its muscle.